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Diamond Mesh Ltd.: My $50bn Enterprise

Name of enterprise: Diamond Mesh Ltd.

Affordable Initial Investment: 10 lacs

About Diamond Mesh Ltd.: Diamond Mesh will be an enterprise with a vision to create a network between all individuals associated with the diamond industry. 

Vision: Provide accurate, reliable and timely information on the Diamond Industry 

Domain name:

Products and Services: The company’s products and services will include all activities concerned with providing knowledge to the diamond industry.

  • Industry Database: This will include a database of all miners, manufacturers, traders, brokers and jewelers. The company’s networking service will assist different organizations across the globe to connect with each other.
  • News: The company will also develop a software to provide categorized news on the industry to all its customers.
  • Market Information: The company will provide information on the prices of certified diamonds.
  • Online Trading: The company will provide facility of online trading between different members.

BHAGs: Connect every individual associated with the Diamond Industry and act as the sole knowledge provider to the industry.

Core values:

  • Believe in shared value
  • Innovation
  • Ethical behavior
  • Value client information
  • Safety of clients’ privacy

Merger of Pearson and Apple

Vision: To provide access to quality education to every individual across the globe.

BHAGs: To be synonymous to Mobile Education having penetration in every country of the world by 2020.

Core Values: Responsible and Sustainable Innovation, Change Agent, Shape the future of the world, Inclusive Growth, Ethics in everything we do.


Unleashing the Inner Innovator – Stephen Shapiro

Unleashing the Inner Innovator – Stephen Shapiro

Here’s a question for all upwardly mobile employees: Do you want to be a contender in today’s workplace? Sure you do! Problem is, you’ve got lots of competition, all vying for a few scarce jobs and promotions. And the marketplace is in such a state of flux that you don’t know from one moment to the next what companies are looking for. How can you set yourself apart from the horde? One effective way is by unleashing your inner innovator. Differentiate yourself from others by finding new ways of adding value to your organization.

Read more at:


Five Ways to Create Innovation Throughout Your Life – Matt Heinz

Five Ways to Create Innovation Throughout Your Life – Matt Heinz

1. Innovate Your Career

Are you doing what you want to do? Are you learning new things every day? Do you feel comfortably challenged with the work on your plate? If not, it may be time to try something new.

If you were starting your career from scratch, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? What risks would you take? How hard would you work in a different direction to achieve the job, the career or the business you dream of today?

What do you really want to be doing in five years? 10 years? Whatever that vision is, what do you need to do right now, this month, or at least before the end of the year to make progress towards that dream?

Playing with your career can mean playing with your livelihood, which is of course scary. But you spend at least 40 hours a week at work, working effectively on your career.

2. Innovate Your Management Style

How are you making your direct reports as productive, successful and satisfied as possible? For those who don’t work directly with you, how are you enabling them as best as possible to achieve their goals, and make both you and the company overall perform better?

Are you actively mentoring future leaders inside your company? How about outside? When you get requests for your time to help someone learn – whether or not they work directly for you – do you take the time to do it?

Do you actively use recognition strategies to praise and motivate your team? Not just bonuses and coffee gift cards, but do those you work with know on a regular basis that you value their work?

Think hard about how you would be best learn, innovate and be motivated as an employee, and make sure you’re innovating your management style to match that. Better yet, ask your employees directly how they learn, how they innovate, and how they’re motivated, and match that.

3. Innovate Your Personal Life

You do have a life outside of work, right? If not, let’s start there. How are you staying balanced and refreshed so that you’re working at your peak while on the job, but also living a rich, fulfilling life away from the office?

Put pen to paper and inventory the things you wish you had more time to do. If they’re important enough, you’ll make time for at least a handful.

What are the things you want to do in the next five years? Before you die? What are you doing right now to make those things possible? If you don’t act now (or at least prepare to act), you’ll never take advantage of the things you really want to be doing.

Explore that personal itch. Meet new people. Try new things. Mix things up.

4. Innovate Your Relationships

Think about the people most important to you – your family, your spouse, your close friends. Do you spend as much time with them as you want? Do you do the things with them you want to be doing?

Indulge me for a moment, and treat your personal relationships like a business problem. What’s your goal? What does success look like? Envision what that relationship would ideally look like moving forward. Now what’s your strategy to get there?

5. Innovate Your Future

OK, I cheated. This one’s really a combination of the first four above, but is perhaps the most important. You can keep doing what you’re doing today – follow the same career, keep the same friends, the same occasional convenient hobbies – and maybe that makes you happy.

But chances are, if you took a minute to think and innovate, you’d envision a world much different than the one you live now.

So what are you going to do about it?



Top 10 Tips for Innovation Leader – Paul Sloane

Top 10 Tips for Innovation Leader – Paul Sloane

1. Have a Vision for Change

You cannot expect your team to be innovative if they do not know the direction in which they are headed. Innovation has to have a purpose. It is up to the leader to set the course and give a bearing for the future. You need one overarching statement which defines the direction for the business and which people will readily understand and remember. Great leaders spend time illustrating the vision, the goals and the challenges. They explain to people how their role is crucial in fulfilling the vision and meeting the challenges. They inspire men and women to become passionate entrepreneurs finding innovative routes to success.

2. Fight the Fear of Change

Innovative leaders constantly evangelise the need for change. They replace the comfort of complacency with the hunger of ambition. ‘We are doing well but we cannot rest on our laurels – we need to do even better.’ They explain that while trying new ventures is risky, standing still is riskier. They must paint a picture that shows an appealing future that is worth taking risks to achieve. The prospect involves perils and opportunities. The only way we can get there is by embracing change.

3. Think like a Venture Capitalist

VCs use a portfolio approach so that they balance the risk of losers with the upsides of winners. They like to consider a large number of proposals. They are comfortable with the knowledge that many of the ideas they back will fail. These are all important lessons for corporate executives who typically consider only a handful of proposals and who abhor failure.

4. Have a Dynamic Suggestions Scheme

Great suggestion schemes are focused, easy to use, well-resourced, responsive and open to all. They do not need to offer huge rewards. Recognition and response are generally more important. Above all they have to have the whole-hearted commitment of the senior team to keep them fresh, properly managed and successful.

5. Break the Rules

To achieve radical innovation you have to challenge all the assumptions that govern how things should look in your environment. Business is not like sport with well-defined rules and referees. It is more like Art. It is rife with opportunity for the lateral thinker who can create new ways to provide the goods and services that customers want.

6. Give Everyone Two Jobs

Give all your people two key objectives. Ask them to run their current jobs in the most effective way possible and at the same time to find completely new ways to do the job. Encourage your employees to ask themselves – what is the essential purpose of my role? What is the outcome that I deliver that is of real value to my clients (internal and external). Is there a better way to deliver that value or purpose?The answer is always yes but most people never even ask the question.

7. Collaborate

Many CEOs see collaboration as key to their success with innovation. They know they cannot do it all using internal resources. So they look outside for other organisations to partner with. A good example is Mercedes and Swatch who collaborated to produce the Smart car. Each brought dissimilar skills and experiences to the team.

8. Welcome Failure

The innovative leader encourages a culture of experimentation. You must teach people that each failure is a step along the road to success. To be truly agile, you must give people the freedom to innovate, the freedom to experiment, the freedom to succeed. That means you must give them the freedom to fail too.

9. Build Prototypes

People’ Bank has a refreshingly original attitude to new ideas. ‘Don’t debate it, test it’ is the motto of this innovative American financial services organisation. Try the new idea at low cost in a section of the marketplace and see what the customer’s reaction is. You will learn far more in the real world than you will in the test laboratory or with focus groups.

10. Be Passionate

Focus on the things that you want to change, the most important challenges you face and be passionate about overcoming them. Your energy and drive will translate itself into direction and inspiration for your people. It is no good filling your bus with contented, complacent passengers. You want evangelists, passionate supporters; people who believe that reaching the destination is really worthwhile. If you want to inspire people to innovate, to change the way they do things and to achieve extraordinary results then you have to be passionate about what you believe in and you have to communicate that passion every time you speak.



Innovation ‘reality-TV’ – Stephen Shapir

Innovation ‘reality-TV’ – Stephen Shapir

Eight levels that organisations move through on their way to creating a truly innovative culture:

1. Ad Hoc
2. Innovation Core Team
3. Centre of Excellence
4. Community of Practice
5. Innovation Management Software
6. Growth Engines
7. Imbedded Innovation
8. Organic Innovation

Quill Corporation – A successful inculcation of Innovation:


B-School Graduate – Entrepreneurship to make a difference !!

IIM-A student to deliver doctors at your door step

AHMEDABAD: One of the striking features about the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIM-A) is the astonishing pay packages that its students are offered.

A student of the coveted institute, Siddharth Shah, was the first student from his batch to be picked up by a leading global investment bank during the summer internship. The company paid him Rs 2.5 lakh per month during the internship. With such credentials, Shah would be among the highest paid students of the institute in the campus placement.

Shah, who is going to graduate from the institute’s flagship course in a few months, however, is the first among the brave hearts of his batch to have opted out from the institute’s campus placement. Shunning corporate jobs, the 23-year-old student decided to follow his passion and set up his own business firm.

Shah will be providing doctors and medicines at your doorstep at a phone call. “We can order a pizza to be home delivered within 30 minutes but there is no such service for getting a doctor home. There are also issues of medical services not reaching the rural population effectively. My idea is to set up a platform to bridge such gaps in the sector through the innovative use of existing technologies,” said Shah.

“I have always followed my passion. Leadership is one of them. By becoming an entrepreneur, I can be a leader from the very first day of my career,” said Shah, who was the head-boy of his school and students’ representative in his college days. He had also been the national go-karting champion for three consecutive years.

Shah’s family hails from Gujarat but is now settled in Mumbai. While both his parents are doctors, Shah drew most of his inspiration from his father who is the founder of various hospitals in Mumbai.

However, the young entrepreneur is determined not to lean on his parents for his venture. “I have to pay off my education loan but I am neither going to lean on my parents for this nor for the venture. I will be sourcing my own finance,” he said.

“For a student of IIM-A, capital is not a problem with so many banks ready to offer loans. What stops many people from becoming entrepreneurs is the fear of the risks involved and the burden of education loans. More than anything else, it is courage that is required to become an entrepreneur,” said Shah.


Sand Animation – 26/11 Mumbai Blasts

This group convey a powerful message with their Sand Animation !! To me one the most deserving finalists of India’s Got Talent !!

Pranav Mistry’s Sixth-Sense and Microsoft’s Productivity Future Vision

The Thrilling Potential of Sixth Sense – Pranav Mistry

Pranav Mistry makes use of technology that help the physical world interact with the world of data !!